Live In Your Mind Before Living It in Reality


What are your worries? List them down. 
You will notice that majority of them are not even present in reality. You are making it in your head and worried that it might happen.
Wow, you must be thinking, I can't believe my mind produced this worry.
The mind is a powerful thing. Many people often use the words "brain" and "mind" interchangeably, but there is a huge difference between both of them.
The brain is a muscle that controls the nervous system and the whole coordination of the body and the physical decisions we take, like how your cerebrum voluntarily decided to open this blog post.
The mind, on the other hand, is a complex structure that doctors can never find no matter how much they savage a patient's head. It is a part of psychology where we think. It's not an organ. 
The mind is a terrible master but an excellent servant.
You might know this saying; except it's mostly used in the case of money rather than the mind. But I must assure you that the same applies for your mind.
In the start, when you noted down your worries, you realized that your mind created most of them. The same way, the mind can be used to make pleasant thoughts.
When our thoughts are in control, the mind is our servant. When we can't control our thoughts and they go out of hand, then your mind is ruling you, which is a very unfortunate psychological condition.
You must never let your mind control you. So, now let's see how to use the mind to our advantage.
Instead of worrying, why don't you stop and think about something great, like you just got a great sum of money as income for a product you made. Your mind doesn't care whether whatever you think is real or not. It just accepts it. So, think positive so that your mind accepts the positive thing and helps you cultivate it.
Your mind is totally like a computer. If you tell your computer to add two numbers, it doesn't subtract, right? Same with your mind. If you think positive, it will see things positive and make things positive.
First change the way you think, and it automatically changes what you do.

Picture credit: Freepik


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