Time Management


  Nowadays, people are usually engrossed in some work every second. People's schedules have become so tight that they hardly get time to relax, especially corporate employees. Some people try to organize their works and tasks by using planners and checklists, but usually they have so much work to do that their planners get messed up, and hardly anything on their checklist gets done.

  Have you ever wondered how you can manage your time and get all your tasks done, and at the same time have some time when you can relax and be with yourself? I'm sure everyone would have wanted to do that. You might be thinking you don't even have the time to read this blog, but let me assure you, once you read this and implement ideas into your real life, it will be absolutely amazing.

  You must first keep a checklist of all the things you need to complete. After that, segregate each task into priorities. Do the ones which are more important first. Then there might be tasks which take more time, so first complete the smaller tasks and then sit for the larger ones because your list would get a bit cleared up when you check the smaller tasks off your list. Imagine (for students) that you must finish reading three chapters during one weekend and each chapter is about ten pages long. If you don't plan and just think, "Let me finish this," and pick up your books and start reading, you'll soon get distracted, and you won't be able to focus. So, for this, you can keep a time limit. Keeping time limits is about the most important thing when you have a lot of tasks to complete, as it makes you feel more surer about the fact that you will complete it. When you are doing long tasks, you must take a break every 30 minutes, or maximum, one hour. It's called the Pomodoro Technique. Because usually human brains can concentrate on one thing for that long before getting restless. Next, always have some time when you can sit by yourself, also called Me Time. This time you can do whatever you want, and even reflect on what you've done.

  With these tips in your arsenal, you can improve your focus and time and get things done properly. Creating your own ideas from experience and learning from other people's experiences is a wise thing to do.

Picture credit: Bing


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